Legal considerations

Bar-Ilan University does its utmost to conduct the academic year, the majors and the courses as indicated herein and as per the schedule published in the various bulletins.


Names of instructors associated with courses may change due to various constraints. Instructor change shall not serve as a justification for changing courses and/or schedules.

Information posted on the website is for student convenience only and is not a substitute for the information handbooks and registration instructions.

Keep in mind that any conflict between information posted on this website and that published in the information handbooks and registration instructions will be brought for resolution to the authorized academic authorities at Bar-Ilan. Their decision shall be binding upon the students.

Bar-Ilan reserves the right to make changes as it sees fit – to cancel courses, change lecturers, modify course schedules, extend the academic year, change the dates of the semesters and breaks, or make any other change to the academic calendar and office hours of Bar-Ilan services in keeping with academic needs and/or for any other technical or academic reason and/or for reasons beyond its control.

Applicable academic bylaws
Students of all tracks are subject to all general policies of the faculty and to academic bylaws as indicated in all official Bar-Ilan University and/or faculty publications.

The applicable rules and regulations that apply to a particular student are those published in their first year of study. The department is entitled, however, to introduce changes to the academic program, provided that these do not incur changes in the total number of credit hours in effect in the student’s first year of study.

Any case in which general faculty bylaws and regulations published in the annual faculty bulletin conflict with Bar-Ilan’s general academic requirements will be brought for resolution to the authorized academic authorities at Bar-Ilan. Their decision shall be binding upon the students.

Course scheduling and changes
Students may not register for courses in departments to which they were not admitted, except for the ‘general courses’ mandatory for degree requirements.

Students whose status is ‘not officially enrolled’ and have been authorized by the Status Office to register for a limited program may not register or take part in any other course other than those the Status Office has approved in the authorization. Deviation from this directive shall be considered a disciplinary violation with all its implications.

Let it be clear that the full responsibility for course scheduling in accordance with all guidelines falls on the student.
Registered courses in violation of guidelines will not be recognized, even if tuition was charged for them; such tuition shall not be refunded.

Courses registration is conducted by course number as it appears in the system, alongside the scheduled hours and courses for each department.

Bulletin board
We would like to direct the attention of all students to their obligation to read the bulletin boards of the departments and the Student Administration on a regular basis.