Exemptions and credits for prior learning

Bar-Ilan University recognizes studies from other institutions based on its own criteria and requirements and based on the guidelines set out by the CHE from time to time.

The Status Office is authorized to grant exemptions and recognize prior studies, based on the criteria and policies set out by the Status Committee from time to time.

This also applies to the most recognized courses in one department and/or courses transferred from one department to another at Bar-Ilan University.

To complete their bachelor's degree at Bar-Ilan University, students must take at least 40% of courses at the departments to which they have been admitted and at which they seek their degree at Bar-Ilan. The sum of credits from departmental courses, basic Jewish studies courses and general courses is not to fall below 26 credits. Moreover, students must meet general Bar-Ilan University requirements in Hebrew expository writing and English as a Foreign Language.

In the department where the major is taken
for extended tracks, no less than 18 out of 46 credits
for the major track, no less than 12 out of 30 credits
for structured double-major tracks, no less than 10 out of 25 credits
for non-structured double-major tracks, no less than 11 out of 27 credits

Seminar or project courses must be taken at the department in Bar-Ilan University where the major is taken. Seminar courses or projects conducted at other institutions of higher education and/or at departments of other specializations at Bar-Ilan that were not part of studies at the department to be granting the student’s degree, shall not be recognized.

for Jewish studies * – no less than 4 credits
for general studies – no less than 4 credits

(for non-Jewish students taking general studies instead of Jewish studies – no less than 6 credits)

Students taking aa multidisciplinary track at a college are also required to take 40% in each Learning unit.

  • Students who obtain an exemption from the Status Office for more credits than indicated above shall be required to swap those credits with elective course credits so that in any event they take no less than a total of 26 credits at Bar-Ilan and no less than what is required by each Learning unit separately.
  • Requirements pertaining to law courses for students at the Faculty of Law shall be established in any case by the Faculty of Law.
  • Students registered for a course for which they have an exemption shall issue a request to the Curriculum Planning (Talam) Office to drop that course. The course shall only be dropped if the student has not yet taken the final exam.
  • To take an additional bachelor's degree (for those who already hold a bachelor's degree from another institution recognized by the CHE), students must take no less than 75% of the requirements of each track and specialization at Bar-Ilan University itself.
  • Exemptions based on courses taken at other institutions shall be entered without a grade and are not included in the grade point average.
  • The grades of courses taken at Bar-Ilan University and recognized as mandatory/elective/basic Jewish studies/general studies shall be included in the grade point average, provided these are not included in another program of study of the student.
  • Credits granted for exemption from a mandatory course may not be split to obtain exemption from an elective course.

Basic Jewish studies
(a) Bachelor’s degree requirements for basic Jewish studies courses are as announced by the Center for Basic Jewish Studies.
(b) For graduates of hesder yeshiva / advanced yeshiva / pre-military programs / midrasha – eligibility for full or partial exemption – whether from basic Jewish studies courses or from the exam in basic Jewish studies – shall be evaluated by the Status Office in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Center for Basic Jewish Studies.
(c) Students at Bar-Ilan’s Institute for Torah Studies or the Midrasha for Women shall be eligible for a full or partial exemption from basic Jewish studies courses and/or general courses in accordance with the scope of study at the Institute or the Midrasha and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Center for Basic Jewish Studies.
*Students with a partial exemption of basic Jewish studies and who are studying at the Midrasha for Women in a program of 20 weekly hours or more, are eligible for an exemption of up to 4 credits from general courses.
*Students with a partial exemption of basic Jewish studies and who are studying at the Midrasha for Women in a program of 10 weekly hours or more, are eligible for an exemption of up to 2 credits from general courses.
(d) Non-Jewish students are exempt from basic Jewish studies but must complete an equivalent credit load of general courses.


Certificate studies and professional enrichment programs at Bar-Ilan  

Students who have completed certificate studies programs or professional enrichment programs offered at Bar-Ilan University, whose courses have obtained approval by the department and by the Programs and Appointment Committee of the faculty, and the Teaching Committee has classified them as academic courses, shall be able to obtain an exemption per the bylaws of the Status Committee and on an individual basis.