Resumption of studies

Students who did not create a course schedule this year, must formally resume their studies.
The request to resume studies must be issued through
In-Bar > Menu > Requests and authorization > Submit a request > Resume / withdraw from studies > Request to resume studies (undergraduates only)

  • Applicants who do not have an In-Bar account (that is, who cannot login and submit a request for resuming studies for the bachelor's degree / teaching certificate studies), are to complete a Status Office request with the subject ‘Application – resumption of studies’ and specify in the content: English name (first and last names); current address; degree / program of study of interest; track requested; and should attach a photo of an ID card. 
  • Students who terminated their studies or whose studies were terminated, and were then re-admitted, shall be considered as new students; academic requirements in effect in the academic year in which they resumed their studies shall apply.
  • Students who terminated their studies and wish to take exams and/or submit papers late and/or to register for summer courses, must go through the resumption of studies process (this also applies to students who registered for summer courses after terminating their studies, who shall be considered as students resuming their studies and the aforementioned requirements apply).
  • Bar-Ilan’s academic departments and/or the Vice-Rector are entitled to terminate the study of students whose annual grade average at the end of one of their academic years falls below 60, or below a higher threshold and other academic requirements established by their department of study. The Vice-Rector may also terminate the studies of students who did not fulfill other academic requirements established by Bar-Ilan or by the department. Furthermore, resumption of studies is contingent upon the average grade in courses taken in the program of specialization meeting the requirements indicated above.
  • For students resuming studies after a leave of ten years or more – prior studies shall not be recognized.
  • A course is valid for two years from the time it is taken. After that time, the department may render the course obsolete.
  • When resuming studies, veteran students are informed that at the end of the process / degree, they will receive two separate transcripts without the option of unifying them and without a weighted average of the two together.
  • A student who signed up for courses and created a schedule at Bar-Ilan University but did not carry it out (that is, they did not take an exam for a single course in their major), shall be considered a new student for all intents and purposes. They are to be admitted anew to their desired major for the bachelor’s degree through the Student Admissions Office.