Grade improvement

Students who obtained a grade that is not satisfactory to them in Moed Aleph may take a repeat exam in Moed Bet of the course, in the academic year in which they took the course. Registration for Moed Bet is online and is subject to Exam Office guidelines.
Students who did not take the Moed Bet exam for the course in the academic year in which they took the course, may issue a request to the Status Office to repeat the exam in the academic year that follows only for grade improvement (see clause (a) 
 above, submission dates for requests to the Status Office).

An additional exam period will be granted under the following conditions:

1. The course is given again in the following semester in the next academic year (a special exam period will not be granted for grade improvement).
2. The course is not a prerequisite for an advanced course that the student has taken in the past or is taking in the present.
3. The course is not included in the list of courses restricted from grade improvement only 
 for the year in which the course was taken, per departmental decision.
4. Students granted permission to take an exam in the next year for grade improvement, are permitted to take the exam only in the year immediately following the year in which they took the course for the first time.
5. Students are entitled to a single grade improvement exam only, for each course.
6. Re-registering for a course for the purpose of grade improvement is prohibited.
Nevertheless, limited permission shall be granted for re-registering for two academic courses throughout the bachelor's degree, provided they meet the conditions specified for grade improvement as indicated above (clause 2 a-c
 ) and the following conditions:

  • In the year immediately following the academic year in which the student took the course (only).
  • A request for graduation had not yet been submitted.
  • Re-registering for a course precludes obtaining degree eligibility confirmation until the grade in the re-registered course has been received.
  • Re-registration for a course shall incur all that it implies: payments, course assignments and requirements, eligibility for two exam periods (Aleph and Bet) per policy, etc.
  • The determining grade is the grade of the last exam.
  • Students who register for a course for the purpose of grade improvement but do not take the exam – their final grade from the original course shall be maintained.
  • Resubmission of a paper /workshop / exercise / lab report for purposes of grade improvement shall not be permitted after the instructor has already graded it.
  • Repeated exams for the purpose of grade improvement shall be held in the regular exam period together with those taking the exam for that year, on the material covered in that year, or in a special exam period approved in any event by the Status Office. A request for grade improvement shall not serve as cause for a special exam period.
  • A special exam period shall not be granted for the purpose of grade improvement after confirmation of degree eligibility.

In any case of exams taken in two exam periods, only the latter of the two counts! Any earlier grade is rendered obsolete the moment the student appears at the additional exam for the course.
Approval of a special exam period does not attest to the examinee’s right to obtain a grade for the course, nor any other right (for example, if, as it were, the student did not register for the course or was absent from lectures without justification).

Applicable academic bylaws

The applicable rules and regulations that apply to a particular student are those published in their first year of study. The department is entitled, however, to introduce changes to the academic program, provided that these do not incur changes in the total number of credit hours in effect when the student began their studies. The Status Office in collaboration with the relevant departments shall address requirements for degree completion for students who did not complete their studies within six consecutive years.